Population Option

Population Growth Assumptions

Fuel Efficiency Variables Reset

Fuel Efficiency
  • Consult the User's Guide for a detailed explanation and specific values for each fuel efficiency assumption.

New CapacityReset

New Capacity
  • The 2030 Committee has conducted a detailed study of Texas’ transportation infrastructure needs. You can access their conclusions regarding transportation needs here. You may enter a different level of investment if you choose.
  • $

Maintenance Variables

  • For a detailed explanation of the maintenance options, please see the User's Guide. For a more complete discussion, you can read the 2030 Committee report here.

Expense Variables Reset

Default Expense Variables
Category Expense Variables

State Gasoline and Diesel Tax VariablesResetSet test values

State Gasoline Tax
  • How much would you increase the state gasoline tax? (Enter increase in cents per gallon.)
  • In what fiscal year would you like the increase to become effective? (Enter fiscal year.)
State Diesel Fuel Tax

Federal Gasoline and Diesel Tax Variables ResetSet test values

Federal Gasoline Tax
Federal Diesel Fuel Tax

Indexing the Motor Fuels Tax Reset

Motor Fuels Tax Indexing

Percent of Revenue Dedicated to Transportation

Percent of Revenue Dedicated to Transportation
  • Note: Under current constitutional provisions 75 percent of the state motor fuel tax is dedicated to transportation. However, the effective net percentage dedicated to transportation is approximately 74 percent. For Example, if you like to maintain the current constitutional provisions, enter 74 percent. If you would like all the fuel tax revenues derived from the increase you entered earlier to be dedicated to transportation, enter 100 percent.

Vehicle Registration Fee Variables ResetSet test values

Vehicle Registration Fee

Alternative Fuel Variables ResetSet test values

Alternative Fuel Inputs
  • Note: The Slow, Medium, and Fast growth rate scenarios refer to both the speed of market entry (diffusion) and the volume of vehicles (saturation). A fourth scenario, BNEF, is available for electric vehicles only as an additional medium growth scenario.
    Effective Sep. 1, 2023, New electric vehicle (EV) owners face a first-time registration fee of $400, followed by a $200 annual renewal fee to fund the State Highway Fund, per Texas law.

VM Fee Variables Reset Set test values

State VM Fee

Distribution of Funds from Revenue Enhancements Reset

Percentage Variables on Maintenance and Mobility
  • Note : The percentage of revenue enhancements spent on mobility is calculated automatically.
Distribution of Mobility Revenue Enhancements to Categories
  • %
  • %
  • %
  • %
  • %
  • %
  • Note : These percentages represent the average percentages of all Category 2 through 12 expenditures allocated to the indicated categories based on TxDOT Cash Flow Forecasts. To the extent that you change these percentages, the percentages allocated to Categories 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 12 will be changed.

Local Options ResetSet test values

Local Revenue Options

Select the Metropolitan Planning Organization to be included in the analysis:
Check here to select ALL

Bryan/College Station
Capital Area
Corpus Christi
Eagle Pass
El Paso
Rio Grande Valley
San Angelo
San Antonio
Wichita Falls
Local Fuel Tax
Local VM Fee
Local Vehicle Registration Fee
Local Fuel Efficiency

Bond Finance Variables Reset

Bond Finance Variables

Economic Impact Variables Reset

Economic Impact Variables
  • To calculate economic impacts, please select an MPO under Local Options